National Coffee Day

Today, I am waking up as if it is Christmas morning and I am anxiously awaiting running downstairs to see what’s under the tree. The only difference is, I am waking up and running to my tiny coffee bar in the kitchen to brew my first cup of the day. If you were unaware, today is National Coffee Day. Why this isn’t a pre-printed holiday on wall calendars I will never understand. I thought I would pay tribute to my beloved morning brew today by sharing what I like to add to my morning coffee, favorite local coffee shops, and where you can find a discount on your own cup today!

What’s in my Mug

I mentioned the little corner of our postage-stamp sized kitchen that holds our coffee bar. This is my first visit each morning and lately it seems as if I can’t start my day without kicking off the Keurig. We purchased this rolling kitchen cart last summer and threw a coat of green paint on it to add a pop of color. It holds not only our Keurig and carousel of K-Cups, but all of our coffee mugs, sugar bowl, and often times – a package of biscotti (I LOVE biscotti with my coffee!). I printed out a little sign I purchased off of Etsy and used a cheap frame to hang it directly over the bar. It was a cheap project, but quickly became me and my husband’s favorite part of our home. 

One of the items my morning cup very rarely goes without is one that adds no taste to the coffee – but is so good for you that it’s a no brainier to always have it stocked. Many of you may have recently heard about the ‘collagen craze’. Everything I researched about adding collagen to your diet was positive and I decided to purchase a few single serve packets of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. I was pleasantly surprised to find out they dissolve completely and immediately and didn’t make the coffee gritty or give it a weird taste. I figured I would continue to use it and see if I saw any differences that the collagen craze boasts. Collagen is the main component in keeping hair, nails, skin, and joints healthy. Our bodies stop producing collagen as we get older and unfortunately our diets don’t contain a lot of it. By adding collagen to our diets, we could see healthier looking skin, stronger hair and nails, bone strength, and improve our digestion/stomach health! With all of this said, I have been adding Vital Proteins to my coffee each morning for the last six months or so and I cannot begin to tell you the difference I have seen in my hair and my nails. I have so much new hair growth which is making it feel fuller and healthier. Additionally, my entire life I have had brittle nails that peel and break and for the first time, I have long nails that look and feel strong. I cannot speak enough about the differences this little scoop of collagen peptides each day has made. 

While traditional coffee creamers are not the best for you and can pack a lot of unnecessary sugar, I recently discovered a new brand of non-dairy almond milk creamers by Califa Farms (hellloooo pumpkin spice). These creamers have a very short list of ingredients (none of them artificial) and are made with almond and coconut cream. It’s also only 15 calories per serving so you can add a couple tablespoons to your cup without any guilt 🙂 Califa farms also carries various almond milks, cold brews, and juices.

Flavors are another way to dress up your mug. I like adding a tsp of vanilla, almond, or peppermint to my coffee. You can also find more eclectic flavors such as maple, marshmallow, or coconut!

Favorite Coffee Shops

Brewpoint Coffee Company

Image result for brewpoint coffee












This little corner of the world is located in downtown Elmhurst, IL and serves the best coffee I’ve ever had (thats a bold statement coming from me). You haven’t really been to Brewpoint until you’ve ordered their signature ‘Bartolome’ and eaten a delicious donut brought to the shop from Donut Drop Schaumburg on a snowy weekend morning. 

Bearded Heart Coffee

Image result for bearded heart coffee

I stumbled upon this quaint little coffeehouse accidentally when heading home from Door County, WI this summer and I still think about the perfect little coffee I had with lavender flavoring. It was a cloudy morning and I was tired knowing I had a five hour drive ahead of me. Bearded Heart had just the thing to wake me up and put me in a good mood. I also have to mention how incredible their scones are. If you make your way through Door County and are near Baileys Harbor, this definitely needs to be a stop on your list. 

Brewed Awakening

Image result for brewed awakening westmont

Brewed Awakening is located in downtown Westmont, IL and regretfully I never thought about stopping in until this past summer when I got a text from my cousin that said “You HAVE to try the pineapple zucchini muffin”. This coffee and teahouse is so warm and cozy and you immediately feel welcome. My typical order is a large cup of their house coffee (amazing) and I never leave without a muffin. I highly recommend the pistachio!

Grahams 318

Image result for grahams 318

Grahams 318 has a special place in my heart as this is my mom’s local coffee shop since she moved. G318 sits in the middle of downtown, Geneva and is the hub of the downtown area. This coffeehouse and gelato/fondue/sandwich shop/bakery (YES. All the best things) is actually a small two-story house and you feel like you’re at home when you sit in one of the overstuffed chairs to sip your coffee and play a board game. 

National Coffee Day Deals

If you’re as equally excited to celebrate National Coffee Day as I am, here are some places that are offering a free cup and/or some awesome deals!

Brewpoint Coffee – $1 12oz. hot or iced coffee 

Peet’s Coffee – 25% off any bag of coffee beans and a free drip coffee

Krispy Kreme – Free any size hot coffee or free small iced coffee

Dunkin’ Donuts – Free medium hot coffee with the purchase of a medium, large, or XL sized coffee


Now, go out there and get your Friday pick-me-up. Happy National Coffee Day!


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