Avocado Makes Everything Better

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I spent a good part of the afternoon yesterday trying to decide what would make the ‘perfect first post’. As I was prepping our breakfasts for the week I still had yet to decide. Then as I was assembling said breakfasts for the week, it hit me. Why don’t I just jump in and post about something I was already doing? Breakfast Sandwiches.

A little background- my husband requested something quick, healthy, and still delicious (often times it’s hard to capture all three requests in one) for breakfast during the week. We had bought our 7,410,365th box of blueberry Eggo waffles this year and he finally said he was Leggo’ing his Eggo.

When it comes to breakfast sandwiches, I’m still true to the McMuffin. Maybe it’s because they remind me of my childhood, maybe it’s because they truly are delicious, or maybe it’s because now I work for the company. I think it’s a combo of the three. Whoever says they don’t like McDonald’s breakfast is lying to your face- just sayin’. Since I love the McMuffin so much, but I also love a healthier breakfast choice- I decided that meal prepping my own version of these would be perfect. Plus I could add all the avocado I wanted.

Bake Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches
Serves 6
A quick, easy, and delicious breakfast that can be eaten on the go.
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
10 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
10 min
  1. 1 Package of Thomas’ Multigrain Lite English Muffins
  2. 6 Eggs
  3. 3 Slices of your favorite cheese (I use a lighter cheese like Part-Skim Mozzarella or Provolone. ½ Slice per Sandwich)
  4. 6 Slices of turkey bacon (or ham if you prefer!)
  5. A pinch of Garlic Salt for each sandwich
  6. Veggies of your choice (I always add Red Pepper and Avocado to my Sandwiches)
  7. 6 Sheets of wax paper
  8. One large freezer bag
  9. Note: Festive Stickers are optional, but COMPLETELY necessary. I thought it would put a smile on Bryan’s face to find a smiling pumpkin on his sandwich in the morning 
  1. 1. Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees
  2. 2. Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray (I am obsessed with Pam’s new Coconut Oil Cooking Spray)
  3. 3. Crack one egg inside of each cup and gently whisk with a fork (you could also do this with egg whites but I would recommend using 2 egg whites for each cup)
  4. 4. Bake for 10 minutes.
  5. 5. While eggs are baking, separate each English muffin and cut slices of cheese in half.
  6. 6. Cook your turkey bacon for 3-5 minutes over low-medium heat on the stove (I like mine crispy so I cook mine a little longer).
  7. 7. Once your eggs are cooked, gently use a fork to take them out of the muffin tin. If you used enough cooking spray they should pop out fairly easily.
  8. 8. Assemble your sandwiches with egg, cheese, and meat.
  9. 9. Wrap each sandwich in a sheet of wax paper and secure with a piece of tape.
  10. 10. Place all sandwiches in a freezer bag and place in the freezer to have ready for the whole week!
  11. 11. **For Micro-waving: Heat directly from freezer. Microwave for 1 minute and separate sandwich. Most likely, the egg will still be cold, so place back in Microwave and heat for another 30 seconds.
  12. 12. After heating, add your favorite chopped veggies, a pinch of garlic salt and/or in my case, LOTS of avocado and Enjoy!
Sweet T and a Honey B https://www.sweettandahoneyb.com/


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